Energy - the world speaks for itself, a vibrant group of motorcycle lovers bonding together in one particular interest, the passion for motorcycle;
The energetic club was organized by sociable members who believed in the safety first policy in riding.
Going back on the team's history, the club was created by a twist of some fate or let say by luck, by riders who decided to go somewhere far away from the city with their motorcycles. " It all started from a long ride and ended up with friendship". Doyce said.
Their love for motorcycle has developed in them a better sense of responsibility as a rider . The team always makes sure that in every hour, all members are in proper gears and apparel , especially for motorist. They also show proper road courtesy to other drivers.
Unlike other motorcycle clubs, Team Energy Racing has no monthly dues are required. In other terms no money involved and only friendship and companionship counts.
Team Energy Racing always schedules a long ride almost every month. They go far places like Dumaguete, Sipalay, Hinobaan. The Negros Island has already been conquered by this energetic group and they are now planning their next campaign to the neighboring Islands of Cebu and Iloilo for next level.
Team Energy is not just about motorcycle enthusiasm. It's also about the ecstasy in driving and the zeal of friendship.

Tech-One, Ultima Racing Group, Performance Maniax

If you ever happen to see a group of fancylooking cars driving- by, chances are these cars either belong to Tech-One, Performance Maniax or Ultima Racing Group. These groups of car enthusiasts, be it speed maniacs, sound freaks, or bling fanatics, share a common passion for cool cars. You would spot them on Friday and Saturday nights partying at some local bar or hanging out at some nearby coffee shop sharing information on the latest aftermarket spare parts, camshafts, pistons, suspensions, amplifiers, subwoofers and their love stories.
We drive safely, abide by the rules and regulations and observe proper road courtesy”, adds JR Tugbang.
Phil Bikers Mosrai

Philbikers Mosrai used to be a simple organization of motorbikers who meet and talk about their passion. Through the years, it has evolved into a community-sensitive organization. There was a time when it's enough that one's motorcycle serves its purpose --- to bring you to your destination. But nowadays, this vehicle had become not only a mode of transportation but a thing of fashion and passion. Motorbikes are being dressed up in different colors, accessorized with special lights, music and even DVD players! You can see a lot of these everywhere, making it safe to say that there are many motorbike enthusiasts around. To organize these motorbike aficionados, the Philbikers Mosrai (Motorsports Raider Association, Inc.) was founded by Mario Iguidez in 2003. It started with seven and now it has 150 members in Iloilo City and Province.
Every summer, the organization holds different sports activities. Including at the Robinsons Mall where the group will host the "Philbikers On The Spot Modifying Challenge," wherein participants will modify their motorbikes.